Sunday, November 1, 2009

Taping into the Positives of Life

My son likes to laugh. He laughs all the time. He even laughs when he does something naughty; I do not laugh though. However, after reading about the mind, depression, and joy, I think that God is trying to say something to me. He wants me to be a bit more filled with joy. So how do I go about this. One, is to laugh. This helps combat depression and can affect the people around you in a good way. Second, along the first line, is to think positively. How do I go about that? Remember good times. Basically, if I am in a down mood, think of a happy time, a happy place. This should help swing the mood to a more joyous tone. Finally, read through psalms. It has a lot of positive thoughts and can help jump start a day. Enjoy your day and remember tap into the positives in life; you deserve that.

Ps 1:1-2
"Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on His law he mediates day and night."

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Glorifying God

Have you ever failed at something you really wanted to do? I would like to share a time where I did. See, most of my college years were spent dreaming about serving God in full-time ministry. I was, and still am not, the world most displined person and to keep the story short, I ended failing my first associated pastorate. No Fun! I can say that it was the right thing, but it did not seem like it at the moment. One of my weeknesses was preaching. Since I struggled in the preparation and studying department, it should not have suprised me that failer would come. Also, I would get extremely nervous and that anxiety transferred to the pulpit too. This was probably more distracting than my lack of depth, insight, and preparedness.

Well, with that said and quick fast forward to last weekend, I was given another chance by my local church to share from the pulpit again. This time I spend a bit more time preparing and practicing- still did not like that part, but it helped. I was still anxious, but it wore off quickly. In the end, I felt blessed to be able to share and encouraged God's people.

I would like to take a moment to remember that God is soveriegn. He has never left me and continues to be my strength daily. Sometime he lets us fail in order to refine us. It is never easy in the moment, but in the end it brings glory to Him. It is my hope that last Sunday brought glory to Him and that his people were uplifted.

I hope to encourage people to never stop trying at things you dream about. You might have failed once or twice, or even more, but that does not mean that you should throw in the towel. God is faithful! At the same time, we need to make sure that we learn from those refining moments. When we focus on his faithfulness and learn from his refinement, than He is glorified.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Called to Love

Has God ever put something on your heart? Have your ever felt the nudge of the Holy Spirit? Do you remember the story of Elijah? Yes, there are many Elijah stories. How about the one where he takes off to the cave and hears God's voice in a gentle whisper? I cannot say that I have heard an audible voice, but I can tell you that I have felt the Holy Spirit's leading.

Over the last 9 months the Holy Spirit has been directing me in the area of loving my wife, especially when reflecting on Ephesians 5. So what have I been hearing? It is easy, “Love your wife, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.” There is no tricky exegetical work needed to understand this. A clear understanding of the cross is sufficient- Jesus died on the cross, to save a wretch like me. No games, no gimmicks, just a simple love for a lost soul. God was not bought off; he was motivated by his compassion, mercy, and love. This love is unconditional and keeps no records of wrongs. Pretty simple!

So, what does this look like? It means that I stop watching the Lakers, turn off the TV, and sit back and listen. It means that I wake up early and buy her a cup of coffee. It means that I leave work early and buy a bouquet of flowers. It means that I do not keep a scorecard of the above. Does the list stop here? No! It just begins. The above are examples that communicate her value and my love towards her, not a check list. Check lists are not motivated by love. Christ does not have a “To Do List for Cain.” He simply chose to love me. How awesome is that!

If you have yet to see the movie Fireproof, I would suggest you take the time to do so. It is awesome and communicates what it means to love someone. I would also encourage you to read Hosea. It is a bit more intense than Fireproof, but communicates unconditional love, which is what all of our marriages need.

If you need someone to pray for your marriage, please send me an email or give me a call. I would love to pray for you and your spouse.

Saturday, November 8, 2008


This is one of my favorite words. When I am down and not feeling quite excited about life, I reflect on the idea, or better, the question, "Where is my Hope?" If you are a Christian, as I am, the answer is quite easy. We are taught, and I fully believe, that our hope is in Christ, our Lord. This is important because it helps keep things in perspective.

However, I believe that it is okay to hope that your favorite college football team will run the table and make it to the BCS title game. It is okay to hope that you will get an iPod for Christmas. But these are minor in comparison to important things in life.

Today I received a call from my neighbor. His wife just lost her brother. On Friday, I came home to two kids throwing up all over the place- "All over the place" meaning the carpet, the carpet, and the couch, not to mention the tiled floor (which, by the way, is easy to clean up) and the walls. It is in these moments that we remember that our hope is in Christ. I do not trust in myself, but I trust in God. I do not rest on the phone call to the doctors or pychologist's office, but in God. Yes, both are tools, but the ultimate reality is that God is in control and when push comes to shove, it is in him that I put my hope.

So do I hope that Penn State will be in the BCS title game? Yes!. But more importantly, I hope that God will protect my kids, keep players on both side safe, and comfort my neighbor. It is because I believe in God, that I have an honest or realistic view of hope.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Seizable Moments

What are some of your most precious moments in your life? I remember learning how to ski, hanging out with Kurt for the first time, telling my wife that I could fall in love with her before we even started to date (so she wasn't feeling well, we were in the middle of Mexico, and she didn't remember), saying "I DO" to that same intelligent and beautiful woman, and the birth of my children (McKenna and Liam). These are just a few that truly stand out.

This weekend I was blessed to have another one of the moments. Actually it a happens two or three times a year. It comes when my mom comes to visit. The seizable moment is not our arguments over politics and social issues, but in watching her spend time with my children. This is actually a better example of two seizable moments. The first is seen in my mom taking the time with her grandchildren. This weekend she was able to go with McKenna to her school and participate in preschool Halloween activities. That same night, she went tricker-treating with Jennifer and the kids around a friends neighborhood. How awesome! The next moment I witnessed. It is that moment where onerealizes that being a grandparent is something special. It appears, a least to me, that a grandparent understands the simplicity of time and the reality that the time with their grandchildren is short. Something I know, but do not fully understand or take the time to seize.

My closing thought centers on a picture I would like to paint for you. The setting was my family room couch. The characters were my mom and my son (Liam). The tone was peaceful and simple. Liam sat there on her lap, snuggling like he so often does with Jennifer or myself. His fingers were in his mouth and he was a peaceful and a calm day off the coast of Maine. He had no worries or concern, just enjoying the day with Grandma. Not missing is how my mom was also at peace. She sat there soaking up those minutes, seizing the moment.

I hope that you get a chance to recognize those seizable moments in your life. If you have a minute, take time to share one of your own.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Proud Husband/ Set a Goal

My wife has being getting up early four to five times a week to cook me breakfast, actually it has been to run. As her confidence grew, along with a close friend being diagnosed with breast cancer, she decided to participate in a 5K run for cancer today. She accomplished it in a with a personal best of 33 minutes.

Her confidence did not grow overnight, but took days of practice and hard work. It first started with a long walk with short runs. Quickly it grew to longer runs and shorter walks. Finally, it went to straight runs at a longer distance. It just goes to show us that practice and a plan help us accomplish our goals.

Do you have any goals? I must admit that I am not a goal setter, but my latest dream is buy land on the ocean in Alaska or Maine. There is something about clean ocean air that appeals to me. I am not rich, but a well laid out plan may just help me achieve ye goal. I hope that you all have goals and that you are working to see them through.

Feel free to share and encourage us all.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Right Foot

Does it matter if we are right or left footed? Probably, if you are passionate about the subject. However, today's thought centers on more the idiomatic usage of the title than the literal.

How did your day start off? Was it with a fresh cup of coffee (or three), with some friends from church, biscuits and gravy (with sausage mixed in), prayer, reading of scripture, discussion on Solomon, and some politics evangelical style. Hey, that sounds like my morning.

As you probably guessed, my day started off with a Bible study at a local Village Inn. There is nothing like beginning a day like that. This morning we looked at 1 Kings 9 and 10. Chapter nine tells of the Lord's second appearance to Solomon and Solomon's wealth. Chapter 10 is where he is visited by the Queen of Sheba. Both are encouraging. First we realize that God reveals himself to people. Second, the nations recognize Godly obedience. Third, that obedience and faith are similar in their foundation- both center on the trusting of the Lord in all one does. Solomon was encouraged to walk as his father did. Reflecting on the life of David, we realize that it is not about obtaining perfection, as much as it is about accepting and keeping the Lord as your God. David sinned, but never lost sight of who his God was. Interesting to reflect upon.

My encouragement comes from those who have walked a great deal longer than I. It is the encouragement that, like David, we are all sinners. Like David, we must continue to acknowledge and trust the Lord as our God, even in troubling times.

Hey, tell us about your day and leave an encouraging not to us all.